Pupil Voice
​The children at Vane Road have a huge input into how the school is run. We believe firmly that the children are the most important part of the school and everything should be done for them. In this belief we acknowledge that they are often the best placed to say how they feel the school should be run and what we should do to make their education the best it can possibly be. We endeavour to give all of our children lots of opportunities to share their thoughts and opinions and play an active role in the decisions that affect their learning and well-being as described in Article 12 of the United Conventions on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). 'Article 12 - respect the views of the child. Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them and to have their views considered and taken seriously.'
This view aligns closely with our school values; respect, kindness, inclusivity, ambition and resilience. Our school ethos is formed around the key values and these were decided by our children.
We have lots of ways that the children can do this formally such as through the SNAG Team, Digital Leaders, Community Group, Young Leaders, Pupil Questionnaires.
However, we also want to create an ethos that allows the children to regularly share their opinions in an informal way, in class, during assemblies and also to share with Miss Sim and Miss Wren our doors are always open.
Below are just some of the ways children have their say in what happens at the school.
And remember - we always want to know if anything bothers you. Please fill in the form to let us know. You can do it anonymously (without giving your name) or you can give us your name if you wish to be conntacted. You can fill in the form by clicking here form link.
Pupil Voice Groups
How our students are getting involved?