Out of Hours Care
In October 2013 we set up our Breakfast Club on a trial basis. It quickly became obvious that this was a facility parents/carers wanted in the school. Parents/carers also asked for After School and Holiday care. Many working parents/carers expressed the wish to be able to drop their children off at school in the morning and then be able to pick them up later that day, knowing that they would be well looked after within a caring environment. For this reason the school started its Out of Hours Club in September 2014 to provide Childcare for children in the school both in term and during the holidays (it is only closed for the Christmas Holidays). As a school we also felt that it was important that we run the facility so that it follows all the school policies and it is run on a 'not-for-profit' basis. We are also able to accept Childcare Vouchers. We are proud to say that now - after many years - we have a lot of experience in looking after Vane Road children, who can relax before and after school in nice atmosphere.
To view our Out of Hours Club Policy please click here
To view our Out of Hours Club Risk Assessment please click here
To view our Out of Hours Parent Form please click here
Breakfast Club
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Children can be dropped off at the main entrance to the school from 7:30am to have a highly nutritious breakfast and spend some time playing with their friends, reading or doing some homework. We ask for children to be dropped off at 8:15 am at the latest in order for us to have time to serve breakfast.
After School Club
Children who attend the school can access childcare after school up until 5:30 pm. The children will be able to play with their friends, get help with their homework or just 'chill-out!' The cost includes a light snack tea.
Holiday Club
The school has a holiday club that runs from 7.30am until 5:30 pm everyday during the holidays (including teacher training days). Parents can access this as whole day or part-day facility. There are often theme days so keep an eye on this site to find out more!
Younger siblings aged 3 and above can also attend the holiday club providing they are with a child who is registered at the school.
The holiday club is closed during the 2 weeks of Christmas school holiday but open at all other times.