Chartwells Menus

Please find below our menu or scroll down for information about the special diet. If you wish to change your lunchtime arrangements, please give us a week's notice either with a message on the ClassDojo or ring the School Office on 01325 300380. This is the new menu to start week beginning 4th November 2024 will start with Week 1 menu.

Special Diet
If your child requires a special diet, please complete the form below and return it to the school office as soon as possible. Please note that a medical special diet, e.g. dairy intolerance, cannot be actioned without written confirmation from a Doctor/Dietician. Once we have received confirmation and a menu has been developed then our Catering Unit Manager will implement the new diet. If you wish your child to have a school meal before the special diet is put in place we ask that you come to the school office to sign a copy of the menu as an agreement.
For further information or clarification please contact the School Meals Section at County Hall.
Contact: Barbara Reynolds on 03000 268002/268003
School Meals Section, 3/88-102 County Hall, Durham County Council, DH1 5UL